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Sir Darnley's "J"

born 14.01.1996

Jimdandy Jarvis

Ch. Jackanapes Josy

Ch. Arabella's Freddie Mercury Ch. Wildermist Claude Wildermist Clint
Wildermist Claudia
Ch. Arabella's Cinderella Ch. Peregil Downtown Eureka
Arabella's Alice
Ch. Sir Darnley's Gretna Green Ch. Pendlehill Magnus Ch. Pendlehill Ian
Pendlehill Chloé
Sir Darnley's Bumble Bee Ch. Alex von der Leinemasch
Ch. Downtown Shirley Shamrock
Jarvis and Josy at the age of app. 10 days.

Josy had a very hard start into life.

Her heart was placed more on her right side than on the left. But it took some weeks until we had found that out.

Here she is at the age of app. 1 week and everything seams to be in best order.

After 11 days she suddenly she got chocking fits and were not able to drink. Several vets thought that she had a pneumonia because she could have swallowed the wrong way. So Josy had been filled up with medicine.

Not before we have stopped all medicine and she could drink artifitial milk herself, the chocking fits happened less often and stopped finally.

We guess that by the wrong placement of the heart everything else had not had room enough and that the organs were "sortet" later.

Here I want to thank specially Michaela Amrath and Martina Kuhlmey, who were an incredible help for Gretna, Josy, Jarvis (today called Jimmy)  and me whithin this hard time!

This are  Jarvis and Josy with app. 3 weeks.

Josy stayed with me. I was not able to give her away!

Josy developed splendidly! But I didn' dare to breed from her because I was frightend that her heart couldn't cope the strain.

Josy was very successful in the ring even though she was shown only rarely because she hated the show lead. 

Beside several titels she went 5 x best low legged Terrier and 2 x best in show.

This picture shows her on her last show in Münster,November 2002 where she was BOB.

Shortly after that unforutunately she got lymph node cancer. This was particularly hard: Her heart had hold out that long and now this!

This battle we were not able to win! Josy died on 01.07.03 at the age of 7,5 years.

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