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Sir Darnley's "K"

born 25.04.1997

J.Ch. Killilan Kilian

Ch. Kiss-Curl Kylie

Kilted Kate

Ch. Raglan Ringmaster Ch. Gaywyn Venturesome Ch. Gaywyn Adventure Story
Gaywyn Vogue
Ch. Bramling Briar Rose Ch. Paddington Bear of Kennelgarth
Ch. Raglan Regal Tiara
Ch. Sir Darnley's Gretna Green Ch. Pendlehill Magnus Ch. Pendlehill Ian
Pendlehill Chloé
Sir Darnley's Bumble Bee Ch. Alex von der Leinemasch
Ch. Downtown Shirley Shamrock

Gretna's 2. litter at the age of 1 week.
Killilan Kilian 8 weeks old - sooo small ears!

Today Kilian is named Gary and is living in Willich together with a weathen Scottie girl.
Kilian, Kate and Kylie app. 10 weeks old.

Kylie stayed with me accompanied the whole family already in September to my holiday in Denmark.
Kilian - Gary was shown successfully in youth class.

He gained his KFT youth champion title and was 1 x BOB.
Kylie follows in the footsteps of her mother and is now producing the 4th generation of my kennel.

She was also shown successfully. Details will be found on her own page.

September 2001

Kylie visites our horses in Jüchen.

May 2003

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will be continued!