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Sir Darnley's "P" - 6th. week

Now Nellies litter already is 5 weeks old and every day the puppies get more pretty and nosy. 

The girl has grown alot: She weighs 1310 gr, her brother 1140 gr.

Clear advantage for the boy: These steps are easier to take.

For his sister it is more difficult and she argues heatedly against this injustice!

But this leaves our family of redstarts unimpressed.

In the afternoon Micha Amrath visites us. She was the owner of Ch. Sir Darnley's Ebon Eagle and proficient help on shows. She still is a very close friend and Scottie fan through and though. 

This weekend she will take care of the house and our Scottie pack, while Rainer and I will be at a family celebration in Husum in the North of Germany close to the North Sea.

Our boy has found the bellflower. I am afraid there will not be much left in the end. 
Again the old slippers also have to suffer. But I must admit that the last litter already had a lot of fun with them.

The girl in mom's preferred basket..


We were away just for two days - unbeleavable how the puppies developed in this short time. They are getting faster and faster. 

Here a new "toy" was found.

The boy managed to jump into the basket. Immediately mom Nellie checks what he is doing there. She is rolling around so there is nearly no room left for him. Orla and his sister are just watching.

The girl is warning: Don't come too close! But her brother prefers nuzzle anyway.

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